Monday, July 30, 2012

The Agony and the Thrill

Remember ABC's commercial for the "Wide World of Sports" showing the ski jumper crashing off that steep ramp? Jim McKay commented about "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." I winced every time I saw poor Vinko Bogataj's body helplessly smashing into obstacles. In a practice jump earlier that day, he had sailed to his personal best, a dream come true jump. The thrill and the agony.

The Olympic games are on TV again. I'm noticing more these days that the sports arena is an allegory of life. Maybe that's what compels us to keep watching – to see if humanity can take it up a notch. Carve another thousandth of a second off the best-ever time. After all, if the athletes can do that, maybe our next hurdle can be mastered too. We need to train for the upcoming events. Well, we don't really have to, but when you think about it, it's kinda crazy not to. What events are you considering?

One of my favorite things to witness is a winner's facial expressions, especially swimmers, divers, and gymnasts. For a split second the look of surprise is unmistakable. As though a part of them wondered if they could actually win gold. Immediately after that, the thrill of victory engulfs the winner's face.

Even better is the winning soccer team's celebration. At first a few players begin jumping for joy. In a short time the entire victorious team is bouncing in unison on the field as though it was a single organism. The epitome of joy. Ask them if the arduous training was worth it...oh yeah.

The thing that tops it all is a crowd's reaction to a big victory. It reminds me of something more amazing than the benefits of diligent training. Did you know the Lord dances over us as though we are victorious olympians? He sees us as though we already crossed the finish line in first place or scored the winning goal. But He won the victor's crown for us. He dances over us with joy because He knows how this race ends. And He's cheering us on to exceed our own expectations along the way.

I think He likes to see that look of surprise on us, the aha moment when we realize how great He is on our behalf. Here's a little piece of our Coach's pep talk, a transliteration of Zephaniah 3:17. Carry it with you during training today  Go, team! We're heading for the gold medal podium. Oh, what a prize we have.

Zephaniah 3:17
The eternal self-existent God, the God Who is three in one; 
He Who dwells in the center of your being  is a powerful and valiant warrior. 
He has come to set you free, to keep you safe, and to bring you victory. 
He is cheered and He beams with exceeding joy and takes pleasure in your presence. 
He has  engraved a place for Himself in you and there 
He quietly rests in His love and affection for you. 
He  cannot contain Himself at the thought of you and 
with the greatest of joy spins around wildly in anticipation over you…
and has placed you above all other creations and in the highest place in His priorities. 
In fact, He shouts and sings in triumph,
 joyfully proclaiming the gladness of His heart in a  song of rejoicing! 
All because of you!
(Transliteration by Dennis Jernigan)